Tra Lease Agreement

Finally, a written agreement protects future disputes between two parties who file a lawsuit for silent titles in an unfavorable property right in case of confusion about the ownership of the country. A land lease is an agreement between the owner of empty land or real estate (the « owner » or « lessor ») and a natural or legal person who wishes to develop or improve the property (the « tenant » or « tenant »). It is also known as: The Stamp Duty Act of 1972 came into force on July 1, 1972. It annulled the decree on stamps. Its objectives were to consolidate and amend the Stamp Duty Act by introducing minor amendments, most of which were procedural in nature. The provisions relating to settlement agreements have been clarified. Specific provisions concerning criminal offences have been introduced. The rental agreement is the right of occupation of real estate consisting only of dirt and soil, so that the land can be used by the tenant for several uses ranging from agriculture to housing or commercial activity. The documentation of the agreement prevents foreigners from confusing the land agreement as a joint venture instead of an independent lease-tenant relationship.

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